Tuesday, January 13, 2009

SPURS 5-Thought of the day

SPURS-Thought of the day-5

Today we are focusing on the contact with the outside rein.

The out side rein is known as the controlling rein. I t gives the horse help with balance and gives them support. The contact with the outside rein is established by pressing the horse at the girth with the inside leg in a diagonal push towards the steady outside rein. The inside rein is used to lightly massages the inside corner of the mouth to encourage softness.

Let’s ride on a 20 meter circle to start and progress to a figure of 8 then a 3 loop serpentine then a 4 loop serpentine and finally a 5 loop serpentine.

On the 20 meter circle establish the contact on the outside rein by alternating between true flexion and counter flexion. When you counter flex the horse be sure to only flex one inch to the outside so that you don’t encourage the horse to collapse on the inside shoulder.

Once you can maintain the even contact on the outside rein one direction, change direction and establish the new outside rein. Now you can start alternating between the figures from above. It is very important to maintain even contact on both reins during the change of bend then establishing the outside rein contact a little stronger while on the bent lines.

While on the serpentines, ride transitions between the gaits. Always maintain the outside rein during the transition.

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