Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Helpful hints expanded

I know that there are a million short cuts and simple tricks to running a training barn and tese are a few more of my favorites....

#1 Putting a small amount of mouthwash in your bit wash water and dunking your bit in it EVERY time you take the bit out of your horse's mouth. This not only cuts down on the scrub time for regular cleaning, but it keeps plaque from building up on the bit!

#2 Brush your horse with a dryer sheet wrapped around your body brush to take static out of your horse's coat.

#3 Tooth paste shines german silver spurs and bits.

#4 Wash your horse's dressage boots inside out and velcroed together for a better clean.

#5 Clean your own boots with water only, never use soap if you want them to shine.

#6 Polish your boots with boot cream then buff with a soft towel or old sock inside of a knee high/nylon for a high gloss shine!!!

#7 Clean your crystal browband with Windex then condition the leather with a bit of balm.

#8 Cover your saddle rack in carpet to keep from scratching the pannels.

#9 Use magneted stall signs so they can easily move when your horse changes stalls.This works great if you have a metal barn. If your barn is made of wood, use 3 large headed nails or brads where you want to hang the sign.The magnets will hold to the nail heads. Always check with the barn owner/manager first!!!!

#10 Use electrical tape to secure the ends of your stable braids (Hairy horse breeds like Andys, Freisians etc. who want to prserve long manes)instead of rubber bands. I find that there is less damage to the hair and it stays in for days.

#11 To keep track of your whips use a piece of PVC pipe with an end cap on the bottom. Just mount it to the wall with a couple of screws or tie wrap it to a post near the groom rack or arena.

Email me your helpful hints and I will post them!!

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