Sunday, January 4, 2009


It starts with having a plan. A goal is a destination where you want to go or get to. What is it that you really want to do?

This is similar to using mapquest. You start out with where you are and you add in where you want to go. Mapquest sets out your goals and you follow them until you get there. Your directions are a series of small goals that must be followed in order or your destination won't be achieved. Simple? right!

Where are you starting from?

What are your assets?
(Mapquest assumes you are in a car that is in good running order or they would include auto garages along the way!)
Horse, trainer, clinicians, tack, transportation, books, mag., DVD, symposiums.....Money...Time.....Detication

Small goal
Small goal
Small goal
Small goal
Small goal
Small goal

Where are you going/Achieving?

Fill in the first line then the last line. Go back and fill in your assets. Then fill in what small goals you need to achieve and the skills that you need to master.


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