Sunday, January 4, 2009

Small spaces

Winter weather brings its fair share of compromises. One of them is riding in small spaces.Often we are limited to small indoor arenas or the only dry corner of the outdoor ring.
Riding on the grid is the only way to continue on with your goals.
The grid is when you divide the dressage court into a grid pattern by establishing the rail, quarterline, centerline, 2nd quarterline and the far track. You also mark the arena where the 20 meter circles at A,B/E and C touch the track and where they cross centerline. Riding on the grid is for the dressage rider what practicing on the balance beam is to the gymnast.This is where the horse and learn the balance and develop the strength for more advanced work.
One of the most useful tools will be the small road cone. In a small space the larger cones just take up too much room. I place one cone at each circle point of the 20meter circle.I also place a cone on the track 6 meters from the corners and if I have enough room I place cones 12 meters from the corner cones. This way I can practice transitions at the cones in the same spacing that the dressage court has letters. I also can practice my corners by using the cone , 6 meters from the end of the long side, and know how much space I have for the dressage corner.
When I practice like this in a small space I can carry over the lessons into the larger dressage court with no interruption.
If you practice like this all the time you will learn to ride accurately and make dressage easier for you and your horse(s).

As an aside;In 1991 Major Anders Lindren told me that I could charge my students $5.00 for each cone that they run over! I always charge, NEVER collect!!

I purchased my cones at Linda's Feed in Norco, CA. 951-371-3330 reference Susan Peacock at Hidden River Ranch They will be happy to order some for you!!!

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