Wednesday, January 7, 2009


SPURS Thought for the day 2

Let’s focus on the contact today!

Establish the contact by picking up the reins to a working length while your horse is standing. Ask them to yield to light vibrating pressure to the left and to the right approx. 1 inch. One rein must always be still or you are sea sawing the bit in the mouth and that is wrong! Once you achieve this you may walk on.

Now the focus work of the day is to work on this concept of yielding to the inside rein and holding the outside rein steady before every change of direction and every transition upward or downward.

Work on figures that are appropriate for your horses’ level of training or below. This way you can work on increasing the quality of the work with out putting too much pressure on the horse.

Let me know what level you are working and which figures worked well ad which ones where challenging!!

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