Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Thought for the day-SPURS 3

Today we should focus on the lateral work because we focused on the contact yesterday.

The turn on the forehand is the most simple exercise to start with. Use your reference material for the aids for the movement. Make sure that you are very clear about the aids before you start.

The figure for the day is the 20 circle with the turn on the forehand at centerline and away from the rail (not near the track).
1. Walk the 20m circle
2. when you get to the centerline away from the track halt then make a ½ turn on the forehand away from the inside leg. Ending the turn in a halt.
3. Proceed at the walk.
4. Repeat

Do this same exercise from the trot, to halt, to turn then halt/trot transition.

Make sure that you are suppling the horse at the halt before you make the upward transition.

If your horse is news to the turn on the forehand or is tense about this work then do a walking turn on the forehand. Just slow the horse to a shortened stride in the walk instead of halting before the turn. This will help them understand that you are not trying to trap them. An extreme reaction when feeling trapped in the turn on the forehand is to rear. We don’t want that ever!

The walking turn is good for all horses. It can be used whenever you want. Once your horse is good at the turn on the forehand from the halt and the walking turn you can try the turn at the trot! You have to trot, shorten the stride at the trot, slow the forehand and push the haunches around the forehand then trot out. Let the turn become larger in diameter when trotting!

Don’t repeat these exercises too much. Quality NOT Quantity is the name of this game!!!!

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